Coronavirus is no more a problem of a few particular high-risk countries, this pandemic has now taken over the world. Every nation is in panic mode and is finding ways to fight with this highly contagious virus. As there is no vaccine developed for this pandemic yet. So the only way to stay away from this contagious virus is to take right precautionary measures at the right time. This is why people all around the globe are being advised to maintain a social distance and should suspend all social activities. In some parts of the world, all the educational institutions and workplaces have been shut down. This will ensure minimum interaction between people and the chances of the transmission of this disease can be reduced.
Initially, some high-risk countries had the most numbers of confirmed cases of coronavirus carriers. These countries included China, Italy, South Korea, and Iran. But now this virus has entered many other parts of the world and people affected by this virus are multiplying daily. Many countries have opted for total lockdown in most of their densely populated areas. People are encouraged to self-quarantine themselves. Especially the people who have traveled in the past few days are totally kept isolated by the authorities for a fortnight. After all these preventions taken by almost everywhere in the world the situation is still getting worse. The total tally of the people infected by this virus has reached more than 800,000 and a total of 39,022 causalities worldwide. With still no vaccine present, no one is sure that when is this situation getting any better.
Pandemic coronavirus has affected the health of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe but that’s not the end of its destructions. In present situations, many parts of the world are on complete lockdown that implies minimal to no business activities around the world. This pandemic has caused severe deficits in the global economy. Small businesses, employees on daily wages and part-time workers are highly affected by the shutdowns due to coronavirus. Many governments are providing relief packages to their citizens to help them in the time of crisis.
Keeping this in mind and as a prevention from its further transmission many borders have been sealed globally. People are advised not to travel as it may cause them a problem on different borders and will also expose them to the virus. In this article, we will talk about the changes in travel restrictions imposed by Australia.
Why travel restrictions are the need of the hour?
Many countries have imposed different travel restrictions and they are changing continually with the changes in global conditions of coronavirus. Here is how these travel restrictions are going to help in the prevention from the transmission of novel coronavirus:
People coming from different parts of the word
The people coming from different parts of the world especially the parts that are at high-risk of coronavirus have a probability of carrying the virus that can be easily transmitted in that new country. This is why many countries around the world are imposing travel restrictions.
Tourism can further spread coronavirus
Tourist all around the world visits different tourist destinations around the globe that are usually crowed and have larger chances to interact with someone carrying the virus. So the ban on traveling and shutting down famous tourist attractions seems to be the right precaution.
Trading across the border can be dangerous
Trading across the border can also carry germs from one place of the earth to another. This can lead to the transmission of the coronavirus. So the land borders are also been sealed around the globe. Especially for the countries having confirmed the cases of coronavirus.
What are the updates in the travel restriction imposed by Australia?
Australia has imposed restrictions on the travels coming to Australia on temporary visas from previous months. These restrictions were initially on the travelers coming to Australia from China or on someone who has recently visited China. Then these restrictions expanded their circles and also included travelers from high-risk countries like China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea. Now with the current situation of coronavirus globally, Australia has made following updates to its travel restrictions:
- The people who not the citizens or permanent residents of Australia are not allowed to enter Australia.
- The travel ban that was initially on Iran, chin, South Korea and Italy is now on the people from all other parts of the world.
- Australian citizens or permanent residents who are coming back to Australia from any other parts of the world are required to be in isolation for two weeks.
- The people holding Australian temporary visas like student visa subclass 500 or temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482 or any other temporary visas are also not allowed to enter Australia until this situation with coronavirus can be solved.
- From last Thursday, it is declared that people who wish to enter certain remote areas of Australia will have to self-isolate for at least 15 days. This measure is taken as prevention of further spreading of coronavirus in these remote areas. So from now traveling within the country can also be a problem and should be avoided until it’s utterly essential.
These are the recent changes done by the Australian government in the travel ban.
If you have any questions related to travel plans and any Australian visa type The Migration can help you. Our migration agent Melbourne at will be happy to answer all your queries.
Stay safe!