IBPS or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, an independent and autonomous body that recruits candidates for public banks. Recruitment concludes in two stages, Prelims exam followed by Mains exam. To crack the exams just concentrating on completing the entire syllabus is not enough one must develop certain skills like time management, ability to select the precise questions to answer, or else you will end up losing your precious marks. An effective preparation and exam-taking strategy only can guarantee you a high score to face off the competition.
Understand exam pattern and prepare a schedule
Before striving for IBPS RRB exams, one must be aware of the exam pattern thoroughly. Exam scheme for prelims and mains are non-identical therefore, the preparations of IBPS RRB should be accordingly. After analyzing the exam pattern, develop a topic wise study schedule, and commit yourself to follow the plan strictly. It will help you to evaluate the area you need to focus on and practice more.
Prepare for reasoning and numerical ability
Start practicing topics in detail which are asked in previous year papers and then start with revision/studies from basic topics of reasoning and numerical ability. Once you have covered all the topics and concepts, practice easy questions gradually, upgrading the difficulty levels followed by speed tests. Speed tests will help you manage time and solve questions easily.
Study English, computer awareness, and general awareness
All these sections of the exam are scoring and time-saving if prepared thoroughly. For scoring good marks in the English section, you need to brush grammar knowledge. Securing good marks in this subject is easy, you need to expand your vocabulary which is pretty simple read the English newspaper, this will not only improve your English but will help you with current affairs too. Revise grammar rules and their usage. General awareness is another scoring section that needs only reading, read a lot, and practice GA questions daily. Computer knowledge is another time-saving section which can be completed and scored good marks if prepared and revised well. Topics like keyboard shortcuts, computer hardware, and abbreviations should be thoroughly studied.
Checking cut off marks and targeting
While preparing for the IBPS RRB exam it becomes essential to know past cut offs to set a benchmark for yourself. The past year’s cut-offs will give you the idea of the score you must obtain while practicing mock tests. It will help you set targets accordingly and further analyse your time management for different sections.
Attempt Mock Test
After completing the full syllabus, strive the full-length IBPS RRB mock test. Make sure to practice at least one mock test daily and then analyse the performance of that day. Examine the area which took more time, you got struck, made mistakes, sections you could have saved time. Try different strategies to improve your score and save your time for difficult sections.
Practise is the key
Exam preparation is never accomplished without practise and revision. To get a good grab over the topics and syllabus the aspirant must regularly revise it. Revising and practising the topics which you have learned already helps in the retention of memory, and concepts recollection faster. Revise topics and concepts regularly after completing it and surely just before assessment.
Keep calm and be positive
Calmness and positive attitude in every situation are crucial, the attitude takes oneself ahead in exams as well as in life. Try to stick to your time table beside it, take regular small breaks and venturesome fun to lighten up yourself, and also boost you to learn for the next day. You can try any of your hobbies to freshen up your mind. Practice yoga & medication for 10 – 15 minutes to improve your concentration power. Mediation helps you attain a positive mind frame, therefore, practice it daily. Positiveness is an attitude, a state of mind that helps you envision and contemplate good things. The advantages of a positive attitude include better health, success, and opportunities. A positive attitude comes with positive thinking. It helps us to look forward for favourable and quality results at the end. Positive attitude towards life helps to receptive new information which helps us to learn better. Also one is not afraid to try out new things without the fear of failure.
IBPS RRB exam is not easy at all but, effective time management and accuracy are the keys to crack the exam. Candidate should never waste too much time on a single question, and to answer accurately, one must practice many previous year papers and mock tests. The more an aspirant will practice, the better he will be able to perform. Simply follow the above strategies to excel in the banking sector. We hope the article helps to shed some light on useful study strategies for a better result.